Maria's Space: Just A Few Days Ago....Before The Sickies Came

Monday, July 22, 2013

Just A Few Days Ago....Before The Sickies Came

It has been a busy Summer for us. Teach had two business trips, kids have classes on Tuesday and Thursday; Goddess for reading and Handsome for Social Skills (I think all kids should have this!), lots of beach time, some play dates, Splash Down and not nearly enough social time for ME!

All of this adventure have left Handsome and Goddess with some sickness. Handsome was last week with a sore throat which only lasted two days. Goddess started complaining Friday night about a sore throat. I chalked it up to too much water intake and the heat at Splash Down but the next morning, it was her stomach, throat, head and a low grade fever. No meds other than Tums and gargling with salt water on Saturday. Sunday when she complained the next morning, I gave her some Children's pain reliever after her fever went to 100.7 and she was still complaining. She slept awhile. Today she woke up still complaining so I scheduled a doctor appointment. Called at 9 and the first I could get was 4:30 so I guess we are not the only one on a Monday.

BUT...before the sickies took us, we have had a ton of beach and pool fun.

Here is Handsome enjoying a friends pool and borrowing her daughter's fin. The pointing thing is new and my husband and I have no idea where he got it from.

Not to be outdone by her older brother, Goddess, needs to try them on too even though she was freezing at this point.

All my kids do is run and jump into the pool. I get it, my feet still hurt from all the running and jumping. I am 47 next month and still jump into the pool, do handstands and somersaults!  In my opinion, why bothering going into a pool if you are going to just lie around?

These are some shots from the lake where Handsome and Goddess enjoyed some time with some of the kids from their school who were also there.

 Good times!

One of the slides at Splash Down. That's Handsome in the back and one of his friends from class.

We got back just in time from the beach last week..a random rain storm was tremendous but only lasted about 5 minutes before the sun came out again but Handsome went outside to wash some of the sand off while Goddess was in the shower. Wish there was a rain storm every time we got back from the beach. I would have less sweeping to do in the bathroom.
We hope you all are feeling well and have been enjoying the Summer as much as we have.


  1. Hope you and the children are better by now.

    You could link in to Blue Monday with the pool and those flippers.

  2. My goodness they make me tired just looking at them. But those smiles on Handsome's face and Goddess freezing to death are just priceless. So glad it has been a wonderful summer for them. So sorry they fell sick. Hope all is better today.


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