Maria's Space: Beauty Product Haul from Good Earth Beauty

Monday, July 15, 2013

Beauty Product Haul from Good Earth Beauty

This is my second post about products from Good Earth Beauty, the first being Caffeine Eye Cream. After three products reviewed Good Earth Beauty is definitely a shop I think about when thinking of beauty products especially now that I have found my favorite product of the season. My baby, the Bug Mist Natural Insect Repellent!

I am completely in love with this product and I am happy to report IT WORKS. I love in the woods. We have many, many bugs and they LOVE me. I am always eaten up and end up with big, ugly welts from all the bites. Not this year (knock on wood, don't want to jinx myself).

Bug Mist is the best bug repellent I have ever tried and that is no lie. I have shared it with about three different friends so far and they all love it as well.

During our 4th of July Fire Work demonstration I thought, this is the test. If I don't get bite up tonight this stuff is the BEST. It was about 88 degrees. We were at the lake and last year I was literally bitten all over my arms, legs and even one on my neck. NOT THIS YEAR.

I got some great pictures and the kids and I were never touched! Seriously, I am never buying another bug product and IT SMELLS great.

The second product from Good Earth Beauty is this Wheatberry Restorative Shampoo. . I love the smell, it reminds me of something from my childhood although I can't remember what. My Goddess on the other hand, does not like the smell and she is a girl who loves scents. Personally I love all the natural ingredients and how easy it is to get out of my hair. Now that I have to color so much, I tend to use more natural products on my hair. This is perfect!


  1. You had me with the bug repellent! We have had an unusual amount of rain this year and the mosquitoes are out in full force to get me! They are even awful during the day. Not aware of this brand, but sure willing to give them a try!

  2. Robin, I swear by it and will be only buying this from now on. It also doesn't leave that sticky film you get with some of the other brands.

  3. I SO have to get this! My husband is a mosquito magnet and swears by DEET, but I do worry about the safety (and hate the smell!).

  4. My son needs Bug Mist! He loves to go camping and fishing on the weekends and the poor guy uses DEET but gets eaten up by mosquito's and other nasty flying bugs. He needs to try something different. Thanks for the review.


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