Maria's Space: Wordless Wednesday - Because She Just Can't Be Normal

Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Wordless Wednesday - Because She Just Can't Be Normal

Here is my lunatic posing for a blog review for KNEX. She just can't be normal sometimes. This of course was not used for the review but I knew it would eventually be used. How could I not?
Picture 094
Happy Wordless Wednesday to everyone.


  1. Anonymous7:02 PM

    Ha ha ha!! You gotta love kids!!!

  2. My brother did eyes like that one time at the dinner table and I could not stop laughing. My Dad finally put me in the back yard because I couldn't stop laughing and he said it was disrupting dinner. Those eyes of hers are making me laugh on the inside.

  3. Anonymous4:48 AM

    LOL! What a look! I bet she is a real Ham.

  4. My little sister always makes ridiculous faces in photos...and my mom always gets mad cuz she can never do anything with photos of my sis!

  5. Not normal is awesome :)

  6. Speaking of not normal, have you ever been to Oh my gosh...just go. You will laugh so hard!

  7. OMG, I just love Goddess - she looks so precious no matter what she does!!


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