Maria's Space: The Simple Woman's Daybook

Monday, December 14, 2009

The Simple Woman's Daybook

December 14th

FOR TODAY... Maria's Daybook

Outside my window... cold, snow, icy, gray but expected to be high 40's today.

I am thinking... Hours this week have to be used wisely as the kids last day before the New Year is Friday.

I am thankful for... being done with my shopping, good friends, and my health.

I am wearing... Grey jeans, white long sleeve shirt and a gray accent shirt.

I am remembering... Watching New Moon with my girlfriend yesterday and how badly I want to see it again. We had the theater to ourselves until 5 minutes before it started when 6 other people showed up. Although we drove through an ice storm to get there, it was our first time "out" without kids in the 4 years that we know each other. We knew if we didn't see it now, we would be waiting for the DVD. You can barely see me standing on the steps surrounded by empty seating.

I am going... to spend some hours wrapping today.

I am currently reading... The Happiness Project. Check for my review soon.

I am be done with all Christmas errands this week.

On my mind... getting my 25 Days of Christmas finished


Noticing that...Everyone seems a bit occupied these days. No one is slowing down to enjoy and really see life.

Pondering these words..."you are the best Mommy in the whole world." Isn't this what every mom wants to hear?

From the kitchen... some holiday baking will be underway this week.

Around the house... presents hidden in too many places, hope I remember them all.

One of my favorite things~missing my kids when I don't see them for an hour.

From my picture journal...

The view from my deck the other night


  1. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Thank you for New Moon. I had a nice time. Glad to hear you are done with Xmas shopping.

  2. Love the bottom photo!!

    The book looks good too, look forward to your review!

  3. I stayed up until midnight opening night to see New Moon but you drove through ice and win :)
    That's a beautiful picture of the snowy world you live in.

  4. Clary, It was mega fun.

    Fredamans, Thanks. It looks warm even though it was freezing doesn't it?

    Renee, Oh staying up all night wins in my book. I need my sleep. That was some heavy snow was beautiful.

  5. High (???) in the 40's... BRRRR!!
    The photo of the snow is gorgeous, but that is the closest I ever want to get to it again!
    I cannot believe you drove in snow & ice to see New Moon, you wouldn't catch me doing THAT!
    So glad you are done with all your shopping and have moved on to your baking (I KNOW you have my address) :-)!!
    Have a great weekend!!


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