Maria's Space: General Mills Cereals, Rocks in My New Year As A Food Option!

Thursday, December 31, 2009

General Mills Cereals, Rocks in My New Year As A Food Option!

We are a cereal household so I was so happy to be selected to participate in a My Blog Spark Campaign for

My husband eats Wheaties cereal every morning. We need to buy stock in it because I buy at least a box a week.

I learned from General Mills website that not only is cereal lower in calories and fat than most other breakfast choices, cereal is also: Benefits of Cereal
  • rich in nutrients
  • a leading source of whole grain
    in children's diets
One study of 16,000 adults revealed those who skipped breakfast tended to weigh more than those who ate breakfast.

Eating cereal could mean that you:
  • consume less fat at breakfast
  • reduce calorie intake

Cereal is an easy way for kids to start their morning out great. Really, is there even a reason for kids to miss out on breakfast! Children who eat cereal frequently are less likely to be overweight, and they consume less fat and cholesterol than infrequent cereal eaters.

There are other benefits for children who eat breakfast.

A 1998 study showed that – compared to children who skip breakfast – those who ate breakfast:
  • performed better at school
  • recorded higher test scores
  • reduced absenteeism and tardiness

Just eating cereal every other day gives kids higher nutrient intakes in general compared to kids who don't eat cereal. That benefit extends to kids who eat presweetened cereal.

Beside the added benefits of cereal, General Mills is a great company who have helped so many organizations this year. General Mills donated a record $91 million in contributions across the U.S. and abroad in fiscal 2009 to ease hunger, advance nutrition wellness, and support K-12 education. To read more about the organization and who they helped this year, head over here.

You can visit General Mills site HERE to find more information about their cereals.
With so many choices of cereal you will never be bored! Invest in a bowl you love and grab some cereal. It will do your body good.

You can go here to get a $1 off coupon for their awesome cereals!

Disclaimer: General Mills provided me with 4 cereal coupons through MyBlogSpark to write this review.


  1. I love General Mills cereal, but for me I go by name of brand. I forget the people who make it.

    Happy new year!

  2. I think I could live on cereal. Sometimes I eat it for dinner! Thanks for the coupon link.

  3. I'm with Renee, I eat cereal for dinner sometimes. I think General Mills is fantastic. I love me some Lucky Charms and Cocoa Puffs, and Bill eats Cheerios every morning for breakfast. It has lowered his cholesterol from borderline to good in just a few months. GM ROCKS!!

  4. Fredamans, That goes for me too but we are big GM folks by the cereal we eat.

    Renee, Me too! Cereal is good for us so why not?

    Lorie, Cereal for dinner is a norm in my house. The kids don't eat actual meals and the husband is always on some special eating plan so cereal it is!

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