Maria's Space: Tassimo I Love You!

Friday, December 11, 2009

Tassimo I Love You!

Two days ago I received A Tassimo (insert Angels singing here). Is it possible to be in love with an appliance?

When they told me they were sending me a Tassimo to try out along with some of their coffee samples, I was floored. Are you kidding me? I am going to get to try a Tassimo? When it arrived I wasn't there to answer the door. I made a pot of coffee while my husband took his "power nap" on the couch waiting for him to wake up. As I headed downstairs to grab some papertowel I saw the box in the hallway. It was like Christmas morning staring at the black box with the gold "Tassimo" on the side.

What, huh? Tassimo came and I made a pot of coffee?

I shut the pot of coffee off, pushed it over and opened the the Tassimo box. Really, what is it about new appliances that make people happy?

The set up was easy, I read the directions, plugging it in, pouring water in the back, running it in clean mode, inserting the filter (we all know filtered water is important for a really good cup o' Joe). Picked the coffee I wanted to try and let me tell you that was the hardest part. Tassimo was kind enough to send many samples; Starbucks, Starbucks Cappucino, Chai Tea Latte, Gevalia, and Hot Chocolate.

I picked the Starbucks Cappuccino. First you take the milk disc, shake it up, insert, press the button, wait for the orange button, take out disc, insert espresso disc, press button, wait for orange button, remove and behold the beauty of a true cappuccino with the visual, taste and exquisite taste that allows Starbucks to charge over $4.00 for a medium coffee.  But at home you get it in half the time, 1 minute to a wonderful cup of coffee in your own home. Yummy!

Then my husband woke and he tried the same, while I had my first of many since then Chai Tea Lattes. In my personal opinion the Chai Tea is the reason to BUY the machine but that is just me.

Why give all your money to the coffee houses when you can get a perfect cup of coffee in the comfort of your own home?

There are four types of Tassimo machines to suit your individual needs retailing for $129.99 - $199.99.

If you have a hot drink lover in your home, this is the perfect gift. Whether it is coffee, tea, lattes, cappuccinos, or hot chocolate this is the gift that will NOT sit in the box in the closet.

There is a special going on right now at Tassimo Direct. Purchase the TASSIMO Hot Beverage System for $169.99 (including shipping and handling) and receive 4 FREE packages of T DISCs as our gift for joining the TASSIMO Subscription Service and get FREE SHIPPING! View program details

For my videos of using Tassimo go here and here and watch me again make a fool of myself.

Wish you could smell this fresh coffee brewing.

If you have any questions about this review, please feel free to contact me directly at ree026 (@)

Thank you Tassimo for sending me a the machine and all the samples. I am a very happy women.


  1. I ave been trying to get one of these. They look so awesome!

    Have fun with it!!

  2. Anonymous10:33 AM

    I am coming over to try some coffee. The machine is so cute and I love the variety of coffee they have. I would love to try the cappuccino. Save one for me. lol

  3. Geez, Maria! I don't even like coffee and your review has me going, "Yeah, I'd try that!" lol I do like hot chocolate though. I wanted one today but refused to pay two dollars for one at McDonald's :( Thanks for the review--sounds like a gift I might have to check into for my mom!

  4. Fredamans, I love Tassimo. I just ordered more coffee today. Wish you lived closer I would have you over for some coffee.

    Clary, I will have to save one for ya.

    Renee, You don't like coffee?? Um...well you could totally have some hot chocolate if you lived closer. Don't like coffee!! Umm...

  5. You just made me wanted one!

  6. I KNOW how much you LOVE your coffee, so I am REALLY glad you got to try one of these. I would love to come over for coffee, too bad you are so far away, and living in the COLD!!!
    Enjoy your treats... Great review, as usual.

  7. BTW, loved the videos, you are too cute!


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