Maria's Space: POM Is Wonderful - And A Chinese Apple!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

POM Is Wonderful - And A Chinese Apple!

POM Wonderful sent me over a case of POM juice in order to write this review.

Ever since I was a child I knew there was something special about this juice. Every year my parents gave my sisters and I a "Chinese Apple" once a year.

Now years later POM Wonderful is doing what I couldn't do as a child; they get all that delicious, juice out of the fruit without the pink fingers.

I downed the first bottle of juice in record time, it was of course, delicious as I had remembered. The second bottle I decided to savor and research.

1st Finding: It is delicious.
2nd Finding: It has mega health benefits

Whatever your taste buds like, you will find something at the POM Wonderful recipe link that makes your mouth water. 

I think the 3rd bottle will be my experiment bottle. There are so many drinks I want to try.
Like this one called the POM Truffle. I hear truffle and my interest is peaked.

1 comment:

  1. I've never tried POM juice but those recipes look HEAVENLY! I tried a real pomegranate fruit once--I couldn't figure out how to eat the darn thing so I just threw it outside for the birds. Sad, I know....


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