Maria's Space: Weekend Snapshots

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Weekend Snapshots

Coming back from my daughter's dance class we made a u-turn only to spot this 500+ lb black bear sitting on someone's lawn and eating some flowers. If there was a way out I would have driven past it but I would have had to turn around at a dead end and with my daughter in the car this seemed like a bad idea.


  1. omg don't see this every day - wild >>where do you live?? we have them in Fl in fact they have gotten some of my cats..sandy

  2. Sandy,

    It is a natural occurance here but honestly they aren't usually that big.

    Thanks for checking me out.

  3. Hi! I love your blog! It's so cool! Nice to meet you.

    Wow! A 500lb black bear! It must be scary, huh? I weigh only 130 lbs.

  4. Hi, Thanks for the comment and visiting my blog.. hope to see u again.

  5. East Coast Life, Thanks for coming over. I appreciate it.

  6. Mommyallehs,
    Thank you for the coming on by. I appreciate it very much.


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