Maria's Space: Know and Tell Friday - #1

Friday, August 08, 2008

Know and Tell Friday - #1

I just found this accidentally tonight and thought I would try it out.

Check out this blog, two friends on different sides of the world have a blog together.

1. My favorite bedtime attire is two piece PJ's either shorts/pants and a shirt.
2. The perfect meal would include STEAK with a hearty side of Salad and a big glass of Water.
3. The most memorable girl's night out I've ever had was when I went out with my sister when we were younger and danced until the wee hours of the morning, just enjoying being together.
That was in 1985. I was 18 years-old.
4. My earliest memory is playing at a sand table in Kindergarten.
5. The family is gone for the evening and I will spend my time reading (this won't happen for ages, I have a 3 & 5 year old and them leaving without me seems far enough off that I will not allow myself to stress about this yet.

6. Right now I am comfortable in my old nursing rocking chair, listening to Bill O'Reilly.

7. When I am done blogging, I am going to brush my teeth and lie down in bed to read.


  1. I'm finding people's earliest memories to be fascinating! I wonder what it says about our present selves, you know?!

    Thanks for playing along. I enjoyed reading your answers!

    Have a blessed weekend, Maria.


  2. Reese, that is probably what I will think about over the next few weeks. I want to see if I can remember an earlier memory. Last night while filling this out, that memory was the first one I came up with but I am sure there are more.


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