Maria's Space: Ruby Tuesday - A Day At The Zoo

Monday, August 25, 2008

Ruby Tuesday - A Day At The Zoo

Head over to Ruby Tuesday to play along with Mary and her minions.

Always dress your kids in bright colors when heading to a very public place. It is so much easier to spot them in a crowd.


  1. Really cute picture! Good idea to dress them in red.

  2. That is a pretty good idea. But something tells me my 20-somethings would object to me dressing them.

    Lowjack works pretty well too!

    Nice shot!

    Thanks for stopping by earlier,

  3. Glad your kids were here - the penguins, although cute, are a bit boring in black and white. Kids in red add color and personality to any picture!

  4. Cute pic - she's a little ham in front of the camera isn't she? :)

  5. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Awww..they're both adorable! Love their shirts:D

    Mine's up if you got a chance, HERE!

  6. Anonymous3:59 AM

    I agree with Ralph. The penguins' outfits are colorless compared to your kids' outfits. Happy Ruby Tuesday.

  7. good idea!great shots:-)

  8. Your kids look wonderful in red!

  9. What a cute photo and in red too. Happy Tuesday

  10. Kids in red are the best and against the penguins even more adorable.

    Looks like it was a fun day!

  11. Dot, Thanks for stopping by. I always try to put them in the same bright colors in public place.

    Mojo, Lowjack! Now that is more like it.

    Ralph, Thanks Ralph. I appreciate that.

    Mimi, Thanks. You know they looks like their mom.

    Carletta, She totally is!

    Yen, Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    Bobbie, Thanks so much for your comment. I appreciate all comments.

    Catia, Thanks so much.

    E.G. Thank you. They do look good in red!

    Rambling, Thank you for stopping by and commenting.

    Dianne, It was a great day. Thank you so much.


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