Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - October 11 - October 20

Thursday, February 25, 2021

My Life In Pictures - October 11 - October 20

October 11 - To make sure my daughter knows which bottle of water is hers she adds little faces to her cap. How cute is this one?!

October 12- My girl's art. She hates when I share it but I love it so much!

October 13 - NADA

October 14 - Taking Mr. Jinxy to the vet we decided to let him out of his cage in the car. He loved it and looked out the window instead of meowing like he usually does. 

October 15 - The beautiful sky heading to work made beckoned me to pull over and grab about 20 photos but I especially love this one with the window reflection! Gorgeous colors!

October 16 - My girl's artwork makes me soooo happy! This was the card she made for her friend for her birthday. It is so cute!

October 17 - Nada

October 18 - Hanging at the mall with my daughter and her friends for a friend's birthday. Masks and social distancing required but it was so good for them to all see each other.

October 19 - Me at recess with my class. It was a gorgeous day! Just wish I could breathe!

October 20 - He started as just a male mannequin. He is now the coolest Halloween decoration we have. 

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