Maria's Space: My Life In 2008 - Way Different Now

Sunday, November 24, 2019

My Life In 2008 - Way Different Now


Weekly Update

Monday – Laundry, Cleaning then the beach for 3 hours. It was awesome, second time this season. We have a private beach about 5 minutes from us but my girlfriend who lives on the other side of the lake about 10 minutes away has a more kid friendly beach, so we headed there. My daughter who wasn’t into the water last year, could not get enough of it. She had a life vest on but managed to lose her footing 2 times.
The first time I scooped her up and she coughed and said put me down. The second time, I thought for sure she would want to get out but she again said, “put me down” when I scooped her out. Ummm…sometimes a little fear goes a long way. She is making me nervous.
Tuesday – Laundry, Special Instruction (SEIT) for my son started up again for summer, followed by Speech for 1/2. He didn’t get his speech instruction because Beth (speech) arrived right after a full out street fight in my hall way with Handsome. He has been talking back and hitting me when I tell him not too. Good Lord!
Wednesday – SEIT and Speech again. Grocery shopping and play date with my friend and her daughter. They only stayed for about an hour and a half but it was enough time for my daughter to have 10 books read to her and my son to play a Wii game with the daughter. Started some freelance work for my old job. Moving quickly. My sister’s birthday. Happy Birthday to you, happy birthday to you, happy birthday dear Gabby, happy birthday to you. Read and posted a review on a Seven Easy Tips: Encouraging Your Daughter to Say “No” by Alyssa Avant. Worked with the husband on some invoicing. Yikes, always makes me nervous.
Thursday – Laundry, cleaned bathroom, kitchen and vacuumed. Beach again for 5 hours. It was great! My kids had a blast and I finally brought down my googles. Not a fashion statement but I have contacts and like to swim. I am sure I am a sight but my kids enjoy me being in there with them so that is all that matters to me. Pulled over by a PITA police officer who just wanted to ruin my day. He was overly obnxious, I didn’t appreciate in front of my children. It was the most annoying pullover ever. It took him 9 years to get out of his car and then he yelled at me for 2 minutes before telling me “this one is on me, the next one is on you!” Yeee God!
Friday – Cleaned bedroom, living room, hallway, dining room. Dropped books off at the library. Got pizza for dinner. Did freelance work and got the kids down early to watch Jumper with the hubby. More on that later.
Saturday – Freelance work. Beach for 3 1/2 hours with some friends. Kids to be early so that the Hub and I could watch Meet the Spartans. Also, wrote draft for second review (look for it this week).
Sunday – Grocery shopping, laundry, Freelance done! Early night for me hopefully since I am not feeling so well. Kids need a bath but I am thinking of doing a bird bath for each in the sink. Got to run, 7:19 p.m. and I want to get the changed and ready so there are no excuses for them to be up past 8:00. Night.

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