Maria's Space: How to Plan a Fun Vacation that Your Kids Would Love Too

Saturday, December 15, 2018

How to Plan a Fun Vacation that Your Kids Would Love Too

Your kids love a great vacation as much as you do, so why not plan a fun one that’s centered around family entertainment? Sure, you might need a vacation to unwind after your vacation afterwards, but the memories will be 100-percent worth it.

Be Strategic and Smart About Your Transportation—i.e. How Will You Get There? How Will You Get Around Once You’re There?

Road trips and planes are top two when it comes to vacation transportation options. But there are other options to consider, like cruise ships or trains. Be smart in choosing the best transportation option for your family.

For instance, if you know that your toddler will be impossible to handle during a 6-hour flight somewhere, then don’t subject them to that. The same goes for every other mode of transportation. If you or any member of your family have troubles with any kind of destination transportation, then mark it off your list until some other time.

Involve Your Kiddos in the Plans. Ask Them Where They Would Like to Go and Take Their Suggestions into Consideration

Remember that this isn’t just your vacation—it’s your whole family’s getaway. Ergo, you should take the vacation advice of your whole family, kids included. Ask your youngsters where they want to go. Give them options of the kinds of things around where you will be staying. Then ask them to make a list, either literal or verbal, of the things they would most like to do and see in that area. Consider it all.

Budget for Unexpected Fun and Impromptu Adventures

It’s one thing to make a schedule for your vacation and budget for it. But it’s entirely another to get there and discover a slew of other fun stuff that you had no idea about and failed to budget for. Don’t let that happen. Stick some extra money back just in case your family sees something impromptu and fun while you’re on your adventure-packed vacay.

Tip: Let your youngsters raid their kids money bank to snag some vacay money for souvenirs on the way home.

Get a Hotel Room with a Kitchen to Save Money on Taking the Whole Family Out to Eat Multiple Times a Day

This is a big one! Dining out for every meal while you’re on vacation is a money pit. Invest in a hotel room with a kitchen instead. That way you can make bulk meals and in-room snacks that you and your kids can enjoy until those special occasions where you go out to dinner.


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