Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - November 24- November 30

Saturday, December 29, 2018

My Life In Pictures - November 24- November 30

November 24 - Thanksgiving was wonderful this year. This is my view as I was placing out the food. We reconfigured our small living space to move the tree to a different part of the living space and really love it. I have a wonderful view when I sit to write at the computer or eat. My husband and kids decorated the tree and placed out the decorations and my husband spent time with the window using his theater curtains and wrapping lights, garland and hanging ornaments which really made the room festive. Probably my favorite ever.

November 25 - Luna looks gorgeous sitting and looking at the tree. I couldn't take enough photos of her this year. We love having our three cats after not having a pet for the longest time. We have the guinea pig but not one that becomes part of the family and is with you all the time.

November 26 - A little homework help. She was studying for chemistry when dad came over to see what she was doing. They spoke periodic tables for a half hour and then we all tested each other on our knowledge. I wasn't as good as I thought I would be.

November 27 - I had to snap a quick picture so I could download this song when I got home. Every time I hear it, I think, why didn't I write that!? Don't know it? Check it out!

November 28 - I went to my daughter's back to school night and her homeroom teacher/math teacher showed me the Red Ribbon that was given to her to decorate for the classroom door. She said they all were given a ribbon to decorate but she couldn't throw this one out because my daughter had put to much work into it. It is adorable right?!

November 29 - OMG just looking at this makes me hungry. I had taken my girl out to lunch for Thai Food.

November 30 - Goddess and Mr. Jinxy taking a snooze are just too cute. I was going to wake her for school when I saw this and just had to take a shot. When she saw the pic she said, "he does love me!"

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