Maria's Space: Never Miss That Perfect Pet Shot Again!

Saturday, September 29, 2018

Never Miss That Perfect Pet Shot Again!

The 411:

How many times we tried to get our cats to look directly at the camera! We would call their name but they would look at everything except the camera. Now with Woofie, you just put a treat or in our case your cats favorite toy into the clip and wah-lah instant perfect picture.

My kitten Sage loves to nurse on our clothing when she wakes from a nap and nothing will stop her from doing this. She looks up when you call her name but will never leave the nurse! In the above case she was sucking on my daughter's shirt while my daughter did her homework. The moment she looked up and saw her toy, she was out of there looking right at me!

I could imagine with a dog it would be the same as they are way more aware.

This is the perfect stocking stuffer for pet owners and since I am drafting my Christmas Gift Guide you will surely find this on there when it goes live early November.

Just took this! She wants that jiggly fish so bad! Never miss the shot again. Perfect for photographers or families looking to get that family photo with their pets.

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