Maria's Space: Gratitiude Journaling - June 26, 2018

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

Gratitiude Journaling - June 26, 2018

Spending the day swimming with my daughter at the spa. My kids are now 13 and 15 and I know that eventually these days will come to an end. The fact that my daughter wants to be with me and hangs on me the whole time we are together in the pool means a lot to me. I have pool dumbbells that I use trying to get some exercise which is difficult when someone is hanging on you but her wanting to be with me instead of on her phone is NOT lost on me.  I love every minute and sometimes the extra weight gives me a better workout anyway.

Walking on my deck brings me such happiness. I started a tiny planter garden three years ago. It was super small. Two years ago I added a few small things nothing major. Last year my husband showed interest and I purchased so many more plants this time with my daughter. This year my husband ran with the gardening thing. He started seeds in late February on my dining room table, eventually moving them outside to a makeshift greenhouse. The deck is now full of plants. Flowers and veggies. I cannot wait to see more veggies growing. It is so exciting to see how interested he is in gardening.

Morning calls with one of my dear friends. I love Teresa. She is my daughter's God mother and we were each other's Maid of Honors. We loved together for years and talking to her is probably one of my favorite things. There is such history there that we know everything about each other. We don't get to chat as much as we used to with marathon calls when the kids were small. Probably 3-4 hours a day but in the Summer when she is driving to work and I am not working we can chat like old times. It is one of my favorite things about summer.

My Faith! I am grateful that my family started me on religion. We went to church. We went to Sunday school and while I don't recall us praying I have faith. I have not taken my kids to Sunday School. Don't judge! I wanted them to decide for themselves but we pray. Praying has got me through so many dark times in my life. I love my personal relationship with God and seek his guidance when I need to.

I am grateful to whomever is reading this. You are special. I write for myself and the books I print out based on my blog but it is nice to know someone may be reading this. Bless you.

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