Maria's Space: 5 Tips On How To Increase Your Website’s Visibility On Google

Friday, May 12, 2017

5 Tips On How To Increase Your Website’s Visibility On Google

Many companies that have an online presence fail to add something simple to their website that will allow customers to find them and instantly know more about them. Something as simple as a SEO google map can add great value to your website from a potential customer’s perspective. Many times before a client will make a purchase or commit to spending time on your website, they want to learn more about you and what you stand for. This article will identify several tips on how to increase your website’s visibility on google and some of these include providing more transparency to your potential clients.

  1. Sharing your location with your potential clients on the web is important. If you run a website and you do not have a brick and mortar location, this may seem like a moot point. But in actuality, potential clients like to know where you are in the world and provides google with helpful information as well. Simply embed your location into your website for better visibility.
  2. Spend time on your website making sure that you are following what google states are best practices for search engine optimization. Some things include making sure that your address is listed on all pages of your website. If your clients have the option to leave reviews, spend some time enticing them to do so. Having positive reviews on your website can greatly increase your traffic as well as your sales.
  3. Just as it is important to make sure that you spend time doing research on google best practices for SEO, it is also important to take some time and make sure that you are not inadvertently dragging down your own ranking by having mismatched information on various pages. Something as simple as a mismatched phone number or address can be problematic.
  4. Make sure that your key hole markup language, or KML is up to date. This will help increase your website’s visibility on google because it is the file format that is utilized to display geographic data in Google maps. Take it one step further and create pinpoints for specific locations that you want to make more visible by creating a KML file specifically for that spot.
  5. Geo sitemap is another way to attract visibility on google to your website. This component makes your site searchable on Google Earth and Google Maps. What is great about the Geo sitemap is that you can communicate with the Googlebot to geo content. Otherwise you could be waiting forever for Google to find your website on its own. To help you create a Geo Sitemap, there are free instructions online on how to create one.

As we have indicated in this article, your visibility on Google is very important to the success of your website. Hopefully with these great tips, you will be on your way to making your website more visible on google. Many of these tips will provide instant results that you can continue to take advantage of into the future.

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