Maria's Space: Origami Heroes - Great Gift Idea - 448 Pages ONLY $9.83

Thursday, August 20, 2015

Origami Heroes - Great Gift Idea - 448 Pages ONLY $9.83

This book will definitely be featured in my Holiday Gift Guide this year.  The DC Super Heroes Origami book includes 46 origami models of DC Comic characters all created by internationally renowned origami master John Montroll, and 96 pages of specially designed paper for folding. Iconic DC characters featured in the book include Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman and characters from the Justice League.

Chris Alexander, author of Star Wars Origami, says: “I love John’s new book.  It turns mild mannered folders into origami super heroes!” and YA Book Central says: “Behold the awesome of DC Super Heroes Origami which makes other origami books run crying to their mamas.” Comic Book Resources writes: “I have a sneaking suspicion DC Super Heroes Origami will be on the wish lists of more than a few adult comics fans.”

The 411 by Maria:

This is a huge book with over 448 pages (46 models and 96 step by step instruction pages). I sat down to do three of these and have found that I obviously do not know how to follow directions. The steps are clearly laid out in the book yet every one of mine looked like they had terrible diseases. Oh well, my nephew can't wait to try this out. He loves the idea that he can craft his very own super heroes with paper. At 16 he is much more patient that I am and he has insisted that once you learn the technique of origami I will be surprised that I was having difficulty at all. 

Beside my terrible inability to fold this book is truly amazing. I loved reading the information about each character.  While a huge superhero fan I honestly can say I know nothing about back stories unless there was a movie put out about them. 

My nephew tells me he will have me folding superheros within the hour and they will look like this.....

we shall see but I think mine will look more like this.....

That's the Riddler's cane, can't you see it?! Yeah...I didn't think so. 

To see just how easy this is if you aren't inept like me, check out this one-minute book trailer:

Come on! Isn't that the coolest. Can't wait for my lesson. I will try not to be too embarrassed.

To purchase at an unbelievable price:

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary copy for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.

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