Maria's Space: Get Some Much Needed REM Sleep With A Sleep Mask #ariescollection

Monday, August 10, 2015

Get Some Much Needed REM Sleep With A Sleep Mask #ariescollection

I get very little sleep at night. Never full through the night kind of sleep. Honestly I never hit REM sleep unless I have this nifty little sleep mask on.

My husband's hours are sporadic plus I have a son who talks in his sleep and a daughter who walks in her sleep. If you couple that with a light sleeper, you get someone who never really sleeps.

We all know how important a good night rest is. It is detrimental to your health and as someone who can never nap, I need to get the best sleep I can even if it is under 4 solid hours.

This cotton mask and ear plugs has allowed me my first dream in over 3 years. 

The mask is comfortable and one size does fit all!

It is perfect travel travel, napping (as my husband can attest) and bedtime.

We have tried sleep masks in the past but I always felt like they put pressure on my eyes. I don't know if it is because of the nose area that this mask allows but there is literally no eye pressure.

The mask also comes with ear plugs but since I have kids, I never wear them. I need to hear if they need me.

The mask's carry case is perfect for storage when not in use. I love my mask and have started hiding it when I take it off because otherwise someone else ends up wearing it. May need to purchase one for each of us. Stocking stuffer idea. Need to remember that for December.

To Purchase:


Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered or received.

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