Maria's Space: Lunch Box Buddies = Smiles

Tuesday, April 07, 2015

Lunch Box Buddies = Smiles

Every day I send two kids to school. One buys lunch and one brings it. Packing that lunch box makes me so happy. I know I am sending her into school with a lunch I packed with love. Usually it consists of yogurt, carrots, blueberries, some sort of cookie snack and a milk carton. Often times it has a note that I wrote where I tell her how awesome she is or good luck on your test. 

According to an article on Web MD I am doing OK.

These days instead of the hand written note I have been sending her in with Lunchbox Buddies.  Lunchbox Buddies are the creation of Jim Adorney a professional designer and father of three who designed silly creatures with messages that are fun for kids or even your spouse. Yeah, go ahead pack that in with your honey's lunch and make their day.

Here are samples of the packs which include 20 characters each. A month's worth of notes for your sweeties!

The back of the package
My daughter says when she opens her lunchbox the kids swarm around to see the latest addition to her lunchbox.

This morning I opened her lunchbox to fill it and see that she had added one for me!  Such a nice way to begin my morning.

Check out Lunchbox Buddies on Facebook and Pinterest

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. No monetary compensation was offered.


  1. I do not have any small children any more, but I could see how this would make their day.

  2. I send a note everyday in my kids' lunch also. Those notes would make them smile! Thanks for the review.


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