Maria's Space: Stocking Stuffer Idea for the Adults On Your List

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Stocking Stuffer Idea for the Adults On Your List

Originally I wanted the title to read Stocking Stuffer Idea for EVERYONE on your list but quickly realized my kids were only interested in it when I pointed things out to them. They are 6 & 8, what do they know....this book is so adorable and will have your rummaging through your childhood photos to see what you can come up with.

Have you ever thought about recreating one of your favorite childhood photos as an adult? Thousands of people worldwide have been inspired to do just that, and now the best of the best of these amazing photo pairs are in the book "Young Me, Now Me."

The 411:
I have looked at this book at least 5 times in the past week. It is adorable and the corresponding stories sweet. My personal favorite include a grown man laying on the same blanket he laid on when he was a newborn. The same angle, the same sunlight streaming through.

My sisters and I are never all together but I would totally do this with them.

The book has been in my bag since I received it and everyone who looks through it, writes down the title and the website. It is truly a phenomenon.

We all love the effort everyone took in trying to get the exact same facial expressions and clothing. For more on this book, check out the Young Me, Now Me website. By the way, don't blame me if you find yourself spending way too much time there. I couldn't help it either!

Any idea which photo you would reenact?

1 comment:

  1. That website IS addictive!!! Very cool idea.


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