Maria's Space: Meme Kinda Monday

Monday, November 07, 2011

Meme Kinda Monday

Oh what a beautiful morning!

Today is exactly the kind of day I wait for all year. Sunny and crisp, with a high of about 60.

Here is our school principal in all her Halloween glory. Great time and the kids love when adults dress up.

Putting my kids on the bus is something I never thought I would do. At the moment, I work from home and thought, why put them on if I am capable of driving them. Unfortunately for me, they LOVE going on the bus. Driving them would save them almost an extra 50 minutes home but they want to go, so, who am I to stop them?


  1. Thanks for sharing your blues.

    Happy Blue Monday, Marie.

  2. A great Halloween glory and just perfect for your blue feature.

  3. I still teach so I know well about those long rides. I would not like it, but the children never seem to mind. Love the principal’s outfit for Halloween. She looks so young and cute. genie

  4. dropping by for MYM, I hope you can also visit my share at and show some love.. see you!!

  5. We live close to my daughter's school so we only walk but she really love to try to ride on the school bus, only that we are not qualified to that since we are very near the vicinity of the school hehehe. Kids find independence by riding a bus so they love it.

    Visiting you from BM.

  6. Anonymous8:04 PM

    Love the School bus photo! It looks like a lonely bus going on a road trip.

  7. Anonymous9:22 PM

    Great costume, Ms. Principal.
    Lovely shot of the bus in the fall colors.


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