Maria's Space: Time Island Online Is Safe & Fun For Kids !

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Time Island Online Is Safe & Fun For Kids !

Time Island is a place of wonder and adventure. Your kids will love putting their survival skills to the test as they explore white beaches and lush jungles; tree-top terraces and dark underground caverns. They will use their wits to outsmart, out maneuver and outlast the troublesome green creatures that inhabit the island, known as the Goggs. Surviving on Time Island is a challenge, but the fun is even greater! Moms will feel comfortable with the safe and secure nature of the online world and the educational aspect of the activities, while kids will love embarking on the adventure of a lifetime!

In My Honest Opinon:

We started playing Time Island 3 weeks ago through a Mom Select campaign. We wanted to know the game before we shared it with our friends. Last Friday I took my laptop and we headed to our weekly Cub Scout meeting. With 12 Wolfs and their parents and Den Leaders in attendance (boy were age 7-9) my son and I handed out some wrist bands, stickers and tattoos courtesy of Time Island and Mommy Parties. We told them about this survival game online and let each on create a profile

While the parents played a a game of Monkey Says, Monkey Do and Safari Tag (a game they are quite familiar with) and Jungle Animal Freeze each kid took a turn creating their online profile. 

Once our profiles were created, we gathered around the computer as I explained the best way to play Time Island. For the best experience you need to have a membership but so far we are playing without and my kids like it.
There are three separate places to log into when you first enter. We always go into the first one.  

Kids can create a home base for their character, furnish it, play games, interact with each other, go to each other's hut and work together to survive on the island.

The boys so far love the sounds
The parents like that it is about survival

While we don't know a lot about the game yet and are all working on it and getting back and forth to each other through Facebook we like that the boys seem to enjoy the games and exploring the island.

If you have a child who loves learning new computer games, here is one you can feel safe knowing will keep them busy and is safe.

Disclaimer: We received products to show our friends and talk about the game from our friends at MommyParties and Time Island.

Goddess on her way to Cub Scout meeting. She wanted to attend this one with her brother.

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