Maria's Space: Favorite Photo of The Week - October 14, 2011

Friday, October 14, 2011

Favorite Photo of The Week - October 14, 2011

This week I took Goddess, Handsome and my beloved niece to the Ringwood Manor in Ringwood, New Jersey.

My favorite photos come from here. This is probably my favorite but I have some honorable mentions.

Ringwood Manor

She is such a professional. Can you see how her arm isn't exactly touching the table that was covered in moss and more? But the face is completely serious.
Good job honey, no one will ever notice!
Ringwood Botanical

The poses crack me up. My boo boo

Then there is this one that I loved so much, I had to play with it
. Not sure which version I love best but the first is the untouched original.

Ringwood Manor
Picnik collage


  1. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Beautiful! I like the first one the best. The stark contrast in colors is almost like a fairy tale.
    radeeolover at yahoo dot com

  2. Love the whole serious!

  3. She is very adorable! Nice pics

  4. Those are great. I like the untouched original and the black and white (depending on where you're going to put it) for the last one.


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