Maria's Space: Snow Flower & The Secret Fan

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Snow Flower & The Secret Fan

I just about busted a finger tying as quick as possible to 20th Century Fox for permission to cover this movie. This book was mentioned to me in 2008 by my son's Speech Therapist who insisted I read it. She claimed it was a wonderful book and that her whole reading group loved it. Not one to turn close the cover on a good read, I headed to pick up a copy.  My review is here.

This was one of these books that you HAVE to pass on once you read it and I did by passing it on to one of my Laotongs (yes, I know you are only supposed to have one but I love my girls) Clarissa.

In My Honest Opinion:
Today, Clarissa and I watched the movie. We didn't have any expectations and enjoyed it although I found it more confusing than she did.

Our only grievance was we wish it was more about Snow Flower and Lily. The movie ties in modern day descendants Nina and Sophia who share the same relationship as their ancestors. Because the book was so profound this tie in although perfectly fine and relevant confused me. For those who have not read the book, it will  be fine!

There were beautiful tie ins. Both actresses did a phenomenal job and the most heart wrenching parts of the books were down played although I found myself tear up twice.

Friends that last a life time and the love between woman is one of the most beautiful things we have in life. You are lucky to have one "real" friend and stuck gold if you have more. I see the love of female friends every day and always tell my girlfriends I love them like a sister.

We were also pleasantly surprised to see Hugh Jackman show up in the movie. Thoroughly enjoyed it although I had to force myself to wake up twice.  I was way too comfortable. If you haven't read the book. See the movie first, than read the book. The book is truly beautiful. My favorite moments were when the movie focused on Snow Flower and Lily's life and if I hadn't read it first, I wouldn't have felt that way.

Do you have a laotong relationship?

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