Maria's Space: The Reading Kingdom Perfect For Summer Reading Lessons

Tuesday, July 05, 2011

The Reading Kingdom Perfect For Summer Reading Lessons

During the Summer, my kids MUST continue with academics. This year I gave them the 1st week off, but now, that we are officially in Summer, our "Mommy School" schedule is complete. Beside the worksheets, workbook, library books and websites and more, we have added The Reading Kingdom to the curriculum.

I signed up for my the free trial and started with Goddess. I entered her name, and age then The Reading Kingdom did the rest.

The Reading Kingdom is more than a phonics program. It’s an online reading program for children ages 4 to 10 that teaches six skills needed for reading and writing success. Created by Dr. Marion Blank, one of the world's top experts in literacy, the reading system is beloved by parents and has helped thousands of kids to learn to read.

It works with any other curriculum your child may be using, and most children can do the program on their own in just a couple of weeks. 

The Reading Kingdom is a fun, easy-to-use online program that teaches children 4-10 years old how to read and write to a third grade level.

  • It customizes itself to each child

  • Most children can do the program on their own after just a few weeks

  • It's fun and children enjoy doing it

  • It works with any other curriculum a child may be using

  • And, it's the only system that teaches all 6 skills needed for reading & writing success!

  • What I Can Tell You:

    I sat Goddess down every day for five days, she loves computer games and was eager to start. Most of our computer games are geared towed education however, the kids just think they are playing. 

    She didn't enjoy the first four days. Mostly she was asked to repeat the letters she saw on the screen and after a while she wanted off. This is an important part of the program. The Reading Kingdom is really trying to learn what the child knows and to make sure they understand how to use a computer.  This morning when she sat down to start Lesson 2. She was asked to hit words that the screen called out. There was also a prize if she got the word correct. She really liked it and didn't get off for an hour. Hopefully this program will have Goddess ready for the 1st grade before the end of summer. I have high hopes. 

    I can completely see how The Reading Kingdom can help children learn to read or aid in their reading abilities. 

    Summer is here, help your child get a head start and become a confident reader. Sign up today, for a free 30 day trial without using a credit card. You have nothing to lose and your child has everything to gain!

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    Disclosure: I received a year subscription to try out and write about our experiences with The Reading Kingdom. 

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