Maria's Space: Color Carnival #101

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Color Carnival #101

Hello everyone,
Hopefully everyone had a wonderful week. I cannot believe it is the last weekend in July. Before you know it, school will be here and my babies will leave the nest again for way too many hours. Kills me!

A big thank you to the fabulous folks who are continuing to grace Color Carnival with their photos. I am just a host, you guys keep it running. Hopefully, I can get back in the game soon. Too many hats on my head the last few months but hope to join you soon.

This week we have a three way tie between Rinky Rimes, Ashwini, Sharon Wagner

Thank you to everyone who contributed and voted.

Welcome to another colorful week here at Color Carnival!

We will run till Thursday at midnight. Look for the voting button after that and please come back to vote. Saturday a new post will go up with the prior week's winner.

Hope everyone has a great Weekend!


  1. Congrats to all the 3!

  2. I agree Jama! They did a fabulous job. There were so many beautiful photos.

  3. I've just discovered you!
    This looks like so much fun!
    I will return!

  4. Thanks a lot onangelwings. It was my first entry at your carnival and I've been on the top. Congratulations Rinky Rimes and Sharon Wagner!!

    You've a wonderful space.Keep it rocking!

  5. Cool! I don't have a pic this week but I'll be sure to keep playing.


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