Maria's Space: Friday Fragments - Life In General

Friday, July 23, 2010

Friday Fragments - Life In General

This weeks Friday Fragments, is just complete randomness.

Question by Goddess this week: "Who made God?" My answer: "No one made him, He just is!" Grr....I have no idea how to answer some of her questions.

I cannot wait for this weeks Bachelorette. Not because I am anxious to see who she picks because I have little faith in the relationships of the show but because I hate myself for watching it. Two or three years ago I vowed to never watch again but while at the hospital with nothing on, I got sucked into it.

Would like to visit Blogher this year. Still not sure. Mostly because I am so far from city girl and heading there alone just sounds crazy to me.

Feeling old with all my scheduled procedures. Biopsy of uterus this month and colonoscopy next month. I guess I will be fitted with false teeth and orthopedic shoes by October at this rate.

Dog sitting this week. My kids love it. Makes them feel grown up and they take turns opening the door to let him outside. I love watching them work together and talking to the dog. "Ok, Rocky. We are here. Here you go boy. Good boy. Come on buddy. Not on the road Rocky. Come here boy." It makes me think about getting them a pet for like 2 minutes then sanity kicks in and I am good until next time.

My niece is at Comic Con in San Diego and just wrote on my Facebook page:

Andy is super hot. He has a hard, firm handshake--btw. :)

Damn it. She better not wash that hand until I can shake her hand. Don't know who Andy is? 

Hope everyone had a great week!


  1. What a hard question indeed! I wouldn't have any better an answer than you.

  2. I'm sure those of us who believe in God have thought that at one time or another, even though we accept by faith that he was there from the beginning. Hard question, but I think you answered it fairly.
    I don't think you'll be fitted with the dentures etc. by October.
    I do here you about all the procedures though. I've been there, done that, but not for the uterus or ovaries though. I have had all the digestive procedures done though numerous times.
    Hang in there. I'll say another prayer that you get and stay well soon, and have no more pain or infections, bleeding etc..

  3. You're not old! It's great you're taking care of yourself!

  4. I get questions like that all the time, too. I'm glad, since that means she is a normal, intelligent child, but some days it makes me want to up my dose of Prozac....
    Take Clary to Blogher with you! You would have so many pictures to show us and things to tell us! (We will live vicariously through the two of you)

  5. Anonymous9:14 PM

    When is this Blogher?????

    Get them a pet or you will be dog sitting for me 3-4 times in a year. lol

  6. I'm so glad they get to dog-sit, I'm sure that they will understand how hard and how important it is to take care of a dog. I know you will get them a pet eventually, I can't wait to see what you get them.
    I sure hope everything works out with your medical procedures. I'm so worried about you and praying for you every day. Know that my heart is with you. I think you answered Goddess in the best way when she asked about God because she didn't keep asking questions. If she needed more, she would have kept asking questions. You'll know what to say when the time comes.
    I remember telling my kids that I really didn't understand it myself, but I believed in God anyway.


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