Maria's Space: The Simple Women's Daybook - January 25. 2010

Monday, January 25, 2010

The Simple Women's Daybook - January 25. 2010

Outside my window...rain, rain and more rain
I am thinking...of too many things to even go there right now. My well-being is a priority right about now.
I am thankful for... my time on this earth.
I am wearing...jeans and a two piece black and gray shirt
I am terrible I was feeling this weekend
I am going... to take a nice, long bath in a little while
I am currently reading...The Vampire Diaries
I am hoping... that everything I heard this weekend doesn't ring in my head for the rest of my life.
On my mind... my son and whether I should pick him up from school instead of having him take the bus in this rain.
Noticing that...Things are never what they seem
Pondering these words... "I gave up my life.."
From the kitchen... not much going on there these days. Other than it is clean.
Around the house... piles of books I need to find a home for.
One of my favorite things~ spending time with friends
From my picture journal...Picture 744


  1. Do you watch Vampire Diaries on tv? I love it!

  2. Anonymous1:21 PM

    I hope you are feeling a lot better this week.


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