Maria's Space: La Choy Makes Dinner Time Easier

Friday, January 22, 2010

La Choy Makes Dinner Time Easier

Thanks to Mom Central I received a box of La Choy's newest product. I can NEVER see the word's La Choy without singing the jingle in my head. East meets West, La Choy makes Chinese food, swing American. Back in the day, it was the closest I got to Chinese food. It was before I knew any better. In the 70's living in Millbrook NY there was nothing even close to a Chinese restaurant.

With picky kids and a husband always dieting, I usually just make something easy for myself, cereal, soup, salad, a sandwich but sometimes you need something good, warm and filing. You can open my pantry at any time and find at least one box containing the phrase, Just Add Chicken! So I was thrilled to be selected as one of the reviewers on La Choy Creations. 

I opened the box and removed the 2 items. 1 can of specially blended teriyaki sauce with sesame seeds and 1 packet of pre-measured long grain rice.
Picture 682
Listen to how easy this dish was.

Cut up 1 lb of thawed, boneless chicken.
Heat a skillet and add 2 tablespoons of oil. I used Olive Oil because there is no other way to fly in my book. Throw the chicken in until cooked 5-6 minutes.

Picture 681

Add sauce, rice packet and 1 1/2 cups of water.
Picture 683
Bring to a boil, then cover and simmer for 12-14 minutes until rice is tender
Picture 685

Plate and serve
Picture 693
Easy can even add carrots, peas, water chestnuts, or whatever else you like to make this a complete meal. Substitute shrimp, beef or whatever else you have on hand. I am trying pork next time.

It was tasty and filling and even taste better on day two when I wrapped it in lettuce leaves for a yummy lunch.

"I wrote this review while participating in a blog campaign by Mom Central on behalf of La Choy and received a sample to facilitate my candid review. Mom Central sent me a gift card to thank me for taking the time to participate.”


  1. Sounds easy and good! Thanks for the review.

  2. I have some other easy dinner ideas on my blog at See entry: Easy Dinners. The dinners are not quite as easy as La Choy, but there's a variety from around the world.

    I hope you enjoy!

    Pragmatic Moom

  3. crystal10:23 PM

    Cool review,we haven't had La Choy in a while. I am going to check out their website now!!
    Have a great weekend Maria:)

  4. Looks delicious--your pictures are making me want a late-night snack!

  5. I LOVE easy! This looks really good and since we discovered Bill's liver disease, we have been eating much more boneless, skinless chicken. I have been looking for more things to do with it. Thanks for the new idea!!


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