Maria's Space: My Newest Partnership

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

My Newest Partnership

I recently became a member of America’s Toothfairy Blogger Team! Let me tell you a litle bit about what this means.

National Children's Oral Health Foundation dedicates themselves to improving the lives of children by eliminating pediatric oral disease and promoting overall health and well being for millions of children.

Over the next few weeks I will be letting you know more of what NCOHF does and how you can help.


  1. Maria we are so thrilled that you have joined the America's Toothfairy Blogger Team! I can't wait to start working with you as we spread oral health tips to your valuable readers and raise awareness of America's #1 Chronic Childhood Illness- Pediatric Dental Disease! America's Toothfairy has already helped over 1 million children live happier, pain free lives since 2006, but we need help from families across America in order to eliminate this preventable disease once and for all.

  2. We can't wait to find out more about NCOHF :)

  3. Wish they had something like this when I was little - I have such horrible memories of my dental visits!
    Good for you Maria, I know how much you care for your children and you do everything for them.


I love comments. Please feel free to leave a comment. I would love to talk to you further