Maria's Space: Education World ® Lesson Planning: Celebrate the 100th Day in 100 Ways

Sunday, January 31, 2010

Education World ® Lesson Planning: Celebrate the 100th Day in 100 Ways

I found this awesome idea while searching for things to do for the 100th day of school celebration this year.

It will be Handsome's first time doing this assignment and I want to make it special every year.

Here are some really fun lesson plans.

Education World ® Lesson Planning: Celebrate the 100th Day in 100 Ways


  1. Love education links, thank you.

  2. This is a really cool idea. I like the one about what it would be like in 100 years and the 100 things there are to do in your home town.
    You are such a great mom to make school such a wonderful thing for Handsome.


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