Maria's Space: Nancy Appetizer Giveaway - 8th Day of Christmas

Tuesday, December 01, 2009

Nancy Appetizer Giveaway - 8th Day of Christmas

 On The 8th Day of Christmas, Maria's Space gave to me a coupon for some appy's!

Yeah, yeah...I know..corny but what can you do?!

In case you don't know appys are short for appetizers in the world of Rachel Ray. Ok, but I digress...

Thanks to Mom Central I was given a coupon to try any of Nancy's Appetizers. I selected Chocolate Petite Tarts.

They look delicious right? Well, they were and didn't even last long enough for me to snap the picture. I really should have taken a picture of the empty plate, it would have been funny and would have told you how really good they were.

Nancy's Appetizers come in so many varieties.





The next one on my shopping list is the Nancy's Champagn Collection. Yum!

This Holiday spend less time in the kitchen while still serving your guests food they will love.

Thanks to Mom Central on behalf of Nancy’s Appetizers I have a coupon for a lucky winner to try Nancy's  for themselves. 

To Enter Fill Out The Form Below. Please answer the question and leave every extra entry in a separate comment. Ends Dec 12.

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"I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour campaign by Mom Central on behalf of Nancy’s Appetizers and received 2 coupons to facilitate my review and a $20 thank-you gift certificate."

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