Maria's Space: Ten On Tuesday

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ten On Tuesday

Ten on Tuesday asks the question: What do you do when it is too hot to go outside?

I H-A-T-E the heat. Absolutely hate it. I don't sweat, turn red and get very agitated. I find it hard to breath and have gotten heat stroke more times than I care to remember.

Ten things I would do if it was too hot to go outside in no particular order.

1) Watch a movie
2) Read
3) Scrapbook
4) Blogging Marathon
5) Clean up my computer
6) Edit and play with my digital photos
7) Sleep (this is just a dream but I can wish, can't I?)
8) Ummm...a little alone time with the man of the house
9) Hold Mommy school
10) Call a friend and have a marathon conversation


  1. You were above me on the 10 on Tues comments.

    I really don't hate the heat. I like it much better than cold. If I complined about heat then I would spend about 10 months of the year doing that here in Houston.

  2. I hate the heat too! Sleep is something we moms wish we could get more of. Someday...maybe! As for that alone time with your hubby, that will only make you hot again. Ugh!

  3. Yep. Good idea to stay cool when it's too hot outside. Take care of yourself!

  4. Let's watch some movies!

    I played too :)


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