Maria's Space: Book Review - Seven Easy Tips - Encouraging Your Daughter to Say "NO"

Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Book Review - Seven Easy Tips - Encouraging Your Daughter to Say "NO"

I am honored to have read Seven Easy Tips: Encouraging Your Daughter to Say “No” by Alyssa Dees Avant.

My daughter is 3 years old but I am a firm believer that the student learns better if the teacher starts early, so this book really spoke to me. Last week I had a mommy/child play date with 3 other moms who all have daughters we discussed purity and teaching our children (boys and girls) to say “no” to outside sources such as peer pressure from friends, or the media.

When our children are younger we are the only influence they have. We set the tone, we tell them what’s right, what’s wrong, what they can do, what is acceptable but eventually they enter the world of school and get input from so many sources. It is during this time that parents tend to take more of a backseat to their child’s world.

WRONG - This is exactly the time that we NEED to be a co-pilot. Our job as parents is to make sure that our children know what is acceptable and what is expected of them. Alyssa’s book is filled with excellent points for any parent of a boy or girl.

I especially appreciate Alyssa’s Better Alternative section in Seven Easy Tips: Encouraging Your Daughter to Say “No” - “Having an open door policy at your home for your daughter and her friends will help to encourage her to participate in fun, adult supervised activities that will not endanger her.”
On a bigger note: This book is also for parents whose daughter’s may have already disappointed them. Alyssa writes, “Don’t give up on her!”

Some people can be put off by religious overtures or something being too preachy but that is not THIS book people. Alyssa is a mother, a writer, a blogger, a pod caster, a business owner who had a calling to make a difference in the lives of young girls. Seven Easy Tips: Encouraging Your Daughter to Say “No” is chock full of easy tools to instill a sense of self worth, importance and respect for themselves that I have not read anywhere else.

You can get this book and others at her website.

Also, sign up for her Mom/Daughter Connection EZine and check out her suggestions on theme events for a great time and more, I am sure you will not be disappointed.

If you leave her a message, be sure to congratulate her on her brand new baby which hopefully will be here any moment.

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