Maria's Space: 5 Remodeling Tips to Help Sell Your Home

Friday, November 13, 2020

5 Remodeling Tips to Help Sell Your Home

Getting a home ready for selling is an interesting process that includes remodeling and redecorating. Here are five helpful tips to help you get started.

Updated Floors

One of the most noticeable things in a home is its flooring, so it may be a good idea to install new carpet Odem TX, professionally repair your hardwood, or redo the tiling in the bathrooms to make it appear brand new again.


Smudges, scuffs, and nicks on the walls may show a long loved family home, but they won't help you sell it. Before officially opening your house to buyers, be sure to touch up or completely repaint any rooms that need additional work. While you're painting, you should also fill in any noticeable nail holes.

Create Curb Appeal

There's nothing quite like a first impression, and your home's first impression is made by its curb appeal. Before listing your home for sale, you should take the time to groom your lawn, plant seasonal appropriate plants and flowers, and deep clean your front windows.

Declutter Personal Decorations

A difficult part of selling your home is making it look like a typical model home; this way people interested in buying it can better picture it as their own. You may have to put away family photographs, trophies, and children's art projects for a little while. On the bright side, stripping your home down to its bare essentials and removing personal decorations can make packing go faster.

Stand Out

Any helpful and personal touches in your for-sale home can make it more desirable. For example, you can offer booties to cover shoes, light a few scented candles in the living room, and lay out a platter of homemade cookies in the kitchen. 

Don't be afraid to get your old home ready for new owners; you'll soon be somewhere new and fresh yourself.

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