Maria's Space: Three things that can damage any home makeover

Friday, November 27, 2020

Three things that can damage any home makeover

No matter what room youre doing, redecorating can be a major task. Not only does it take a lot of time to complete, but it has a massive effect on the rest of your home for the duration of the makeover. Not only will one room be out of action, but its highly likely that other rooms around your home will be less relaxing if you need to move the furniture out of the room youre decorating. Youll probably find a lot of the dust and rubbish caused by the work in one room spreads across the whole home. As decorating is often such an ordeal, its important we get it right first time and make sure whatever we do lasts a long time. With that in mind, here are three things to consider that could jeopardise any home makeover. 


Water plays an important part in any home makeover. Youll need a nice hot and soapy bucket full to clean any surface before you paint it to remove any dust and dirt. Youll also need it to mix with other materials to make plaster, adhesives and even grout. The only problem is that same water can also cause problems when it comes to decorating your room. Paint needs to be able to dry, and additional water can prevent that paint from drying correctly. If youre using a paint spray gun, moisture often gets into the equipment and affects the quality of the paint job. If youre using specialist equipment like sandblasters to remove paint and rust from something, this same moisture can seriously hamper their ability to create a smooth surface ready for you to paint. To reduce the risk of this water affecting the look of any paint job, the most professional painters install air dryers to remove moisture from their equipment. For example. Super-Dry Systems desiccant air dryers absorb moisture and bring the dew point down to -40°F to prevent any further moisture being produced. They are simple to operate, need very little maintenance and could save you from spending hours repeating a job if you dont get it right first time. 

Existing products

Another thing that can really affect the look of a new coat of paint is the previous coat of paint. Its important that you sand any furniture to remove all of the previous paint coat before applying the fresh one. Failing to do so could mean the new paint chips off as soon as its dry. If youre painting a light colour on top of a dark coloured wall, you might want to consider giving it an undercoat of white paint before attempting to change the colour of the wall. Without the undercoat, it could take several coats of the much more expensive coloured paint to cover up the old colour. 


One of the common problems when it comes to decorating is user error. Make sure you take your time with every single task. Measure things multiple times to make sure youre cutting them to the right length. Cover anything that could be damaged whilst youre painting or sanding. Read the instruction manuals for anything you need to build carefully before construction. If you follow all of these steps, you wont find yourself getting angry when you make a silly mistake and have to waste time on putting it right.


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