Maria's Space: Come See Some C's On Alphabe-Thursday

Thursday, June 05, 2014

Come See Some C's On Alphabe-Thursday

 Here is a piece of candy Goddess asked me to take a picture of because it was the most beautiful candy she had ever seen. She got it in her Easter basket and only took a small piece every time she ate it.

We are obsessed with Tart Cherry Juice. I love cherries! My husband had heard that cherries are a natural anti inflammatory and since we are both working out he decided to give it a try. We take a shot a day. Not sure if it is working yet but I do love the flavor.

Goddess wanted that black and white cat so bad! She kept asking but it was never in my budget. I eventually told her how much it cost. Only %5.99. She emptied her piggy bank and purchased it right away. It comes with us wherever we go these days. Here she is sharing her breakfast with it.

Crazy! Yes she is and that is why I adore her. She really wanted these balloons one day a few weeks back. "Please mom, can we have two. One for me and one for Handsome?" I gave in and they have followed us around the house for three weeks. One even getting caught in the fan one day which required about 10 minutes to get the string undone. They are finally on their way into the garbage since they only hover about 5 inches off the floor now. Goddess cut a big hole in the bottom of one and wanted a photo before tossing it.

The elementary school concert was so fun. This was the first one that Goddess actually sang. I could actually see her instead of looking at the top of her head while she looked at the floor trying to disappear. Not sure if it was because of her friend who stood with her or just her own maturity but whatever. I will take it.

After riding in a friends convertible last month (my fifth time) I really, really want one. It was freezing. I couldn't see but it was awesome.


  1. What delightful Cs -- all of them! :) I really like the cat -- very cute. Almost as cute as my neighbors' cat -- hah. :)

    1. Thanks so much. She is dying for a real one but for now we will just do stuffies.

  2. I've been wanting to try that tart cherry juice, but a friend said she couldn't handle the flavor. You have encourage dmd to go ahead and buy a bottle. Thanks.


    1. The first two days I enjoyed it. Not going to lie there were a few days that I found it way too sour but have learned that certain things I eat prior to having it changes it. For instance coffee or pineapple need to be totally gone from my mouth prior to drinking the juice. It enhanced the sourness for some reason. A washed out mouth and you are good to go. Pound it like a shot glass and you are fine. I actually enjoy it weeks in and look forward to it.

  3. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Looks like those balloons were worth it. Lots of fun. Lovely picture from the concert.

    1. At first I didn't want to foster her decision to put the balloon on her head because of the obvious. She is 9 not a toddler so I reminded myself that she does know better, the hole was huge (the entire bottom cut out) and it was for a second.

  4. She has a way about her, it comes across loud and clear. I love her character and spirit! Great photos!

    1. Awww that is so sweet and I am so happy people get to see her the way I do. She is shy in public but when she is with me she is like this. Fortunately when Mommy takes a photo she is only thinking of that moment, just her and I.

  5. Anonymous10:16 PM

    What a wonderful collection of C's! I really enjoyed reading this post.

  6. lucky Goddess! And she is adorable! {:-D

  7. These are some great pics! That little cat looks so funny :)

  8. She is so darned cute!

    I've been drinking tart cherry juice, too! I'm sure I make a face each time I do so!

    Her little black and white cat is really cute!

    Thanks for a clever link to the letter "C".



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