Maria's Space: I'll Have A Blue Christmas....

Sunday, December 28, 2014

I'll Have A Blue Christmas....

The holidays are often bittersweet for me. Life has hit me hard over the past 48 years of my life but I choose not to spend much time thinking about that and try very hard to focus on the positives and I can find them everywhere even when my thoughts want to make me choose a different path. I refuse to let negativity by my way of life and know that I make a conscious effort every day to always smile and know that every day above ground is a good day.

This Christmas I choose to push away all the memories that if I let them will push me down. There will be time to focus on those but not now. I am a master at pushing my true feelings down. I've been conditioned and choose now to do so. So let's focus on the positive...if you choose to see it, it is there.

Positive - I have a wonderful friend who takes me all the way to Queens, NY to visit my grandparents. She stops off at her brother's house too for a double visit. He and his wife are wonderful people who accept me and my kids into their house as if we are old friends. This is the second time I  have met them and they make me feel like I am visiting family.

Positive - I don't get to see them often and the visits are short but feel so long but here are my grandparents. My mother's parents who have out lived two of their children. I am blessed to have them and love that my kids have great-grandparents in their 90s. God bless them both.

Positive - Blue is my favorite color. I see it everywhere. This little owl reminds me of my youth. In the 70s we all had owl decorations around. I love that this guy has a red heart.

Positive - This was spotted at my sister-in-laws house. It's blue, my favorite color and going there makes me feel like I am with people I know and love!

Positive - Look at all this red!This is my laptop desk where I do all my blogging but on Christmas Eve it served as an area to house all the gifts were were taking with us to my in-laws for family. I love being able to give gifts to those we love.

Positive - My kids are so patient. My son had been up for two hours before us. He had to wait for us all to wake before we got started. He was smiling, excited and so surprised. I love how they both take their time and enjoy the gifts they are so fortunate to receive.

I  hope everyone reading this has a blessed Christmas. It is the prayer I went to bed with on Christmas Eve and one I wish for all of you. 


  1. Stay positive. :)

  2. Sometimes, the Christmas period can be an awkward time for some, for various reasons. You have found a direct way to fight old fears and you're on a winning streak. Awesome. The old couple are a delight.

  3. I hope you and your family had a nice Christmas! Stay positive!

  4. Looks like a great Christmas for all!


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