Maria's Space: Christmas in a Nut Shell 2007

Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Christmas in a Nut Shell 2007


Christmas was so much fun. I did get to do some of the things on my list.

The kids were super excited and their enthusiasm made it impossible for anyone not to jump on their bandwagon.  We got ready for bed as usual but this time we put out some oats and sparkles for the reindeer to find our door. I told them I was going to leave the sliders open for Santa since our chimney is currently boarded up.  They eagerly threw out the oat, sparkle mix and as I closed the door Handsome asked about the cookies and milk. I put the little Santa table in front of the door with a plate a mug of milk on it. I told them to each place a cookie on the table and then gave them carrots to also put out because the Mall Santa told them the reindeers love them.

We brushed our teeth, said our prayers adding the soldiers who are fighting for us and missing Christmas with their families and down they went. They slept fairly well for kids who were excited about presents. I on the other hand couldn’t sleep at all and started a new book (Black and Blue by Anna Quindlen) by nightlight.

About 5:30 an hour after I finally feel asleep the boy woke up with a “all done with sleeping Mommy?”

“Ummmm no I’m actually not baby.” I told him.

He asked for milk and to watch TV. I was actually surprised that he had forgotten about Santa coming but got his milk and set him up with Blue’s Clues  introduction to Joe in his bedroom. One down. Goddess woke about 10 minutes later and walked into the room to watch TV.  It is 5:45 and we are up. It is dark, the moon is still very high in the sky and the kids are up super early but not asking about presents or Santa? What gives?

The Teach hears the TV and starts putting on the Christmas tree lights, gets the train running and tells me to start up the video camera. I press record and walk away just as Handsome walks toward the living room calling “Dad.”

He notices the presents and you can hear him on the tape saying, “Woooo look at all these presents.” Then he heads over to the cookie and milk table and says “Wow, look at that!”
We bring the Goddess in and ask if they want to see what Santa brought. They of course say, “Yeah!” together.
So the opening frenzy begins. We watch the sky go from dark to light, and torn paper fills the room along with sounds of “wow, look, yes, cool, woooo” Who needs big words really??

I could have wrapped some empty boxes really because I think my son was just happy ripping paper.
About 85% of what they got was opened and played with for at least, oh I don’t know 3 minutes before they handed over something else to open.

The morning consisted of opening, untying those annoying metal twisty ties, ripping tape, loosening plastic bands and bagging up trash.

The kids had an awesome time and some of their gifts were, Shrek the Third DVD, some games for VSmile, the Loving Family doll house, Dora kitchenvarious Diego and Rescue packs (which are down from $37.99 to $18.99 – that makes me want to spit) , a doll carriage (thanks to Tia Marta), Leapster (Tia Marta), Disney princess tent, the coolest guitar (Tia Marta gift)  and too many other things to mention. They were very taken care of.

My favorite gift was my Christmas card from my husband. Don’t get me wrong..I love the food processor, Sims games, digital picture frame, Lost 3rd season DVD set and whatnot but I am a card person and it is nice to read something that reminds you that you are loved. Sometimes the littlest gestures make the biggest impact. I love that he got me a card and hopefully took the time to really read it as he says he does. This card says everything I need to hear and it gave my heart a nice big bear hug.

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