Maria's Space: Color Carnival Sunday #13

Sunday, January 08, 2012

Color Carnival Sunday #13's Sunday isn't it? This week has flown by. How about for you? Busy, busy! Hope you are well and if you want to play along, please post your submission along with mine below.

Mine are my daughter's Zoobles from this past Christmas. She had been asking for them for over a year. She received them from Santa and her grandparents this year. She played with them on Christmas day and has yet to do anything with them since. Ugh! So why waste them? I decided to take some pictures of them. At least they are cute and colorful.


Can't wait to see what you post.


  1. i cannot see your photo..... :-(

  2. Don't you hate that?! Lite Sprites were cool for ONE day at my house. Now, they sit, ignored. :(

  3. I hear you Renee!
    Never will understand it!


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