Maria's Space: Finding A Happy Balance Between Work and Summer Vacation

Monday, June 20, 2011

Finding A Happy Balance Between Work and Summer Vacation

If you know me at all, you know that I wish my kids could stay home forever. Sending them to school at all is mostly because they need to socialize as I am a firm believer in home school and just love being with them. If I could pause life, I would. They are growing up way to fast and eventually will have their own lives.  Now that summer is here, I am thrilled to have them home however, this will be the first summer in 8 years that I will be working. Scheduling and balancing will HAVE to be a part of our daily routine. One of the best things about Summer was that it was unscheduled. It is the only two months we are unscheduled in the year. This year will be DIFFERENT.

When I started my company Buzz Chic the end of April, I hoped that I would eventually have clients and NEED to schedule work time. Thankfully, I have clients so work and family time will have to be coincide.

Here is my plan:

1) Wake two hours before the kids so I can get Twitter, Facebook and Blogging done.

2) Mon, Tues, & Wed (month of July) I will be babysitting until 2:30. Those three days, work will be done 5:00 - 7:30 a.m. and then again 9-11 pm. The times in between will be dedicated to the two I am babysitting and my two.

3) No work on the weekends. All work will need to be done on Friday and pre-posted.

4) 1/2 hour set up 3 times during the day to attend to email, Tweets and Facebook.

Allowing myself time to do things with the kids has to be a priority. Last year I was sick the entire Summer. We only went to the beach two times. This Summer; park, farm, visiting friends, beach and a day trip or two will be planned.

Set time aside to exercise! Including the kids will make this easier.

Kids love knowing what to expect. The calendar will be full but as long as we all know what is coming down the pike, we can plan accordingly.

My plan for the rest of the week is to create a summer calendar that we can reference so we are all on the same page.

How do you balance your work and Summer vacation? I would love some ideas.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:07 AM

    I don't know how you do it all... you amaze me!
    I am so looking forward to all the photos, I know they will be fabulous.
    I think you have a great plan for the summer and you and the kids will have a terrific time.


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