Maria's Space: Alphabe-Thursday - B

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Alphabe-Thursday - B

Jenny Matlock

Wow, I can't believe it is Thursday already. This week flew by. Here is my submission for almighty B.

My daughter 2 days ago, before allergies have taken over her eyes. At the moment, she does not look like this. Her eyes are swollen and the whites of her eyes are red!

This years Easter Baskets. I couldn't get my daughter to sit still for a second and this was before the sugar rush!
Easter 2011


  1. Beautiful children and their Easter Baskets!
    Thanks for sharing and have a
    Happy B Day!

  2. Hopefully, her allergy symptoms subside quickly.

  3. Allergies are supposed to be pretty bad here this year. My eyes are already red and watering!

  4. looks like the baskets are full of goodies. Hope your DD is feeling better now. {:-D

  5. That is a ton of candy in those baskets!! Where can I get one? :-)

  6. My mom is having a terrible time with her allergies this year, especially her red and itchy eyes. She says it's the worse one ever!


  7. My allergies are acting up too, I guess it must mean spring is here...

  8. Hope your daughter's feeling better. I was outside for less than a minute yesterday afternoon and came in feeling all itchy.

  9. I do hate that my sons are all adults and there are no grandchildren in the family! I don't have any Easter candy to snitch!!!

    My Alphabe Thursday is at:

  10. Oh, your poor little girl. I think allergies are bad this year, my husband and granddaughters have been complaining and rubbing their eyes constantly.

    I hope she's feeling better...

    ...and hoping that you got a second to swipe some of her candy...there's some good stuff in there for sure!

    Thanks for linking up.


  11. Poor Goddess, I feel for her with her eyes, mine aren't too swollen, just red and itchy. My eyedrops work pretty well as do my nasal spray and oral medication. HaHa (How pathetic am I?)
    I adore both photos and cannot imagine how Goddess was AFTER eating her candy, she is so active as it is... =)
    HUGGLES to you all!


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