Maria's Space: The Canary List by Sigmund Brouwer

Monday, April 25, 2011

The Canary List by Sigmund Brouwer

What I Can Tell You:  
From the beginning pages, I felt this was going to be a great book. The thought of a teacher spending every year drinking to forget the death of his own daughter is horrible. Then to have a girl (his student) show up, while his mourning is in full affect disturbing. Why is she here? She is running from something evil. An evil, she knows is trying to get her. Being a good teacher and gets "Nana" his next door neighbor to take care of her so they help her and he can sober up. When they try to bring her home, their is a barricade on her street because there has been a fire. Crockett takes her home and she stays at his neighbors. The next morning she is knocking trying to get in because he has to "hide her".  

He is taken in for questioning and it is assumed that he has taken advantage of a young girl. Suddenly there are complaints from other students on his record and Nana is missing. The story follows the same path as some Dan Brown's DeVinci Code and Angels and Demons where Vatican conspiracy theories take over and the story of "the people" gets lost.  

If you loved Angels and Demons and stories about good vs evil, you will love this book!

1 comment:

  1. I should have to find this book. I always wanted to read book this days and searching for a good read today. This one is noted.


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