Maria's Space: Life and Health Update

Wednesday, June 09, 2010

Life and Health Update

Dear Family, Friends, Readers, Sponsors, Public Relations Contacts and everyone else in between,

I have so much to tell you guys. Things have been a major rollercoaster ride for me. After 2 weeks in the hospital and no answer yet I am feeling many things but mostly, I feel so relived to be back home with my family.

My husband did and is doing a phenomenal job with the kids which really warms my heart to see. My friend Clary has really been there to offer assistance with the pick up of Goddess and friends have kept me in their thoughts.

Things will be very slow going but I am motivated and excited to get back to my life.

Hang in there while I sort through the piles of mail, packages and email to make sure that I can still offer my readers giveaways that were established prior to my medical leave.

For everyone who has hung in there. Thank you and I appreciate your friendship!

Love, Maria


  1. Anonymous9:06 PM

    I am so glad to know you are home. I am still here and I am not going anywhere!! You will never get rid of me. (I hope not)

    Get well soon. Thank you for the update!

  2. I am glad you are out of the hospital and on your way healing from your flare. If you ever need someone to talk to about Diverticulits I'm here. I've been there, I had a partial colectomy, and still have a lot of problems. I will keep you in my prayers.


  3. Glad you are back home, where you belong. You are in my prayers, also.

  4. Yay! Glad you're back!!! I've missed you and your lovely pictures :)I'm so glad you have a good hubby and close friends to help you heal.

  5. So glad you're home with your family and I know they are glad to have you home with them. Kudos to your hubby for picking up the slack and I so wish I were closer to do more for you than keep you in my thoughts and prayers.
    Don't over do it now that you are home.
    Big Hugs!!

  6. We are all just glad that you are feeling better and are to be well. We worry and love you.

  7. We'll hang in there. You take the time you need to feel back to par.
    God Bless You and Your Family.


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