Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sunday Stealing: The Sassy Meme

1. If you could say anything you wanted to say to George Bush, what would you say? You came into a f'd up position and you did the best you could. Good job buddy!

2. If you had to be the mother of Britney Spears or Lindsay Lohan, who would you choose and why? I would want to mother both so I could take them by the hair and slam their stupid heads together.

3. You get to be Queen for a day. The kids are all taken care of, and you can spend as much money as you want. What do you do all day? Thanks for saying the kids are taken care of because it made it much easier to dream.

I head to a spa for a massage, then order Starbucks room service while calling all my girlfriends to tell them a limo is coming to pick them up. When they arrive, I give them each a hand full of money as I take mine to Barnes and Nobles where I buy out the store for the day, so I can leisure stroll through the aisles and check out as many books as I can. Then I purchase the books I want and head back to my hotel room where all my friends are supposed to met me. We order room service from the best restaurant in town then I send them on their way because my husband is expected and we are going to use the room for the remainder of the night.

4. Is there a song that brings tears to your eyes every time you hear it? If so, which one? There are so many, Red Shoes (the Christmas song) and Butterfly Kisses. Let them be Little does it too as does He Gets That From Me and In My Daughter's Eye. And Lonestar's I'm Already There. Notice that they all have to do with children?

5. A fairy taps you on the shoulder and tells you that you can either have a perfect face or a perfect body for the rest of your life. Which do you choose? Well, you know, since I already have both, could the fairy just give me some money? seriously folks, since I have been feeling back, neck and knee pain for as long as I can remember...a perfect body sounds good.

6. If you could live any place in the world and money was no object, where would you live and why? I would live where I am but in a better house with a better car.

7. What is your biggest regret in life? I don't believe in having regrets.

8. If you could go back and visit one person in your life who is now dead, and ask one question, what would that question be and why would you ask it? I would ask my mother if she is proud of who I am. I was 12 when she passed and it would be nice to talk to her as an adult.

9. If you had the choice to age forward (like we are now) or aging backwards (think Benjamin Buttons) which would you choose and why? If we aged backwards that would mean that well after we have learned all we can in life we can't talk about it because well, duh, babies don't talk. So aging forward would be good. However, it would be nice to age pause. Just pause myself at age 33-35 and stay there.

10. What will the epitaph on your headstone say? She was a good mother.


  1. I didn't think of your epitath, which is odd since I've always say that after I'm gone I hope my kids think I was a good dad...

  2. for the #2:after you slam their heads together, tell them to wear an underwear too! :D


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