Maria's Space: My Life In Pictures - April 11 - April 17

Sunday, June 07, 2020

My Life In Pictures - April 11 - April 17

April 11 - The prompt for the art my daughter is doing on Instagram was Glow. I think she nailed it!

April 12 - Thankfully I did a little Easter shopping when Valentine's Day ended. It was a bit different. The kids kept saying it was the first Easter they didn't spend at their Abuela's

April 13 - We never have a good view of rainbows near us but after a storm I headed out to see if I could see any and saw the most beautiful rainbow. It was a double and so vibrant. Because of my location I couldn't get a good view but was thrilled to be able to see it! Always look for the rainbow. It is amazing how good it makes you feel. Just a reminder that no matter what storm you are going through in your life, light will return. Hang in there!

April 14 - These are the worst birthday photos I have ever taken but my Goddess turned 15. I cannot believe it. Time flies. She had a great day and we all decided to that we didn't need a huge cake in the house so I did some of her favorite cookies and a few slices of Shoprite cheesecake. My family loves it.

April 15 - I have been putting books and movies in a milk crate with a FREE sign and an announcement on Facebook. Knowing that kids are home from school and I have a ton of read for a review/like new books I hoped to give them away to anyone who wanted them. 

April 16 - Goddess' drawing prompt was unite. I love her interpretation. 

April 17 -  Someone had a dirty butt so they needed a bath. Poor baby. She was not a happy camper but you have to do what you have to do. 



  1. LOVE LOVE LOVE the Little Free Library idea! I'm sure it brought some light and joy to several people who were able to watch a movie or read a book or two. Wonderful idea! Also, I really love Goddess' artwork, especially the "Unite" piece. She's so talented!

    1. Thank you so much Heather. I wish more people came. Going to add more over the next two weeks when we go through some bins of books. I have so many. All in like new, read only once condition. Also, thank you. I will tell her. She is amazing.


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