Maria's Space: Halloween's Here! Are Your Teeth Ready?

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Halloween's Here! Are Your Teeth Ready?

Dentists love Halloween as much as the next person, but the holiday can pose a sticky situation for your teeth. However, there are ways to enjoy tonight's treats without destroying your pearly whites. 

Here are some tips:

* This may sound counterintuitive. But let kids eat as much of their candy as they want tonight. It's easier on the teeth than eating treats in 20 to 30 minute intervals, day after day. 

* Share the wealth. Chances are your kids are going to bring home way more candy than they need. Consider taking some to co-workers, or finding a local dental office that is offering a candy buy-back program.

* Make sure to brush and floss. As always, after the candy binge, make sure your kids properly brush and floss to get rid of all of that sugar and residue.

* Take control after Trick-or-Treat night. Dispense treats after Halloween in one-time sittings so that your kids are binging on sugary treats all day and night

Dr. Jamie Reynolds ( is recognized on an annual basis as one of the top orthodontists in metro Detroit. His book, World Class Smiles Made in Detroit, puts an emphasis on the many benefits of having a great smile. Reynolds – who is a national and international lecturer on high-tech digital orthodontics and practice management – attended the University of Michigan.

Get them brushing early with these products

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