Maria's Space: Sick For 5 Days Put My Photo Challenge on Hold But I Am Back

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Sick For 5 Days Put My Photo Challenge on Hold But I Am Back

I have been trying to take at least 1 photo a day this year. I was so sick last week but did take pictures. They are not the best of pics but here they are.

Day 9 - I baked eggs for the first time. It was so easy. 400 degrees for 7 minutes and they came out exactly like I like them (over easy).

Day 10
My daughter asked for Nutella/Banana crepes. I love making them it makes me feel like I know how to cook.

Day 11
My sickness haul. CVS was my very best friend. I needed all of this and then some.

Day 12
Luna totally judging me and all my coughing. She couldn’t sleep with my hacking, sneezing and nose blowing.

Day 13
When you have a cat these kinds of scratches are inevidable. She was laying on my chest when the front door opened. She is a rescue so still sccared sometimes. Her back paw got me good!

Day 14
I made carrot, ginger, lemon soup. It was amazing and exactly what my cold asked for. Never made it before but pllan on making it again soon.
Day 15
It was time to take the tree down so although we were all going to miss it we decided today was the day. I was feeling better and it was above 30 so the attic wouldn’t be too bad.

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