Maria's Space: Embrace Your Inner Wackiness says Suzy Toronto

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Embrace Your Inner Wackiness says Suzy Toronto

"Pretending to be normal day after day is exhausting," says Suzy Toronto. Toronto is a self-proclaimed "wacky" woman, and she wants others to embrace their inner wackiness too. In fact, she's created an entire art brand that speaks (mostly) to girls and women, inspiring them to embrace their rarity, goofiness, and everything that makes them unique—no matter how silly it may seem.

Toronto works out of her home studio in Smyrna Beach, Florida where she creates playful and distinctive artwork for a variety of products—from mugs to coloring books to cell phone covers and everything in between. Her newest creations come in the form of coloring books with her latest book, Tingle Boots, stating loud and proud that "life is better in boots."
Four additional books comprise this series: Friendship Coloring BookSisterhood Coloring BookInspiration &Encouragement Coloring Book, and Light & Laughter Coloring Book. In each book, Suzy Toronto sprinkles encouraging and empowering quotes. 

 "Release your inner child and believe in yourself again," Toronto says. "There's more inside you than you ever dreamed possible!"

Toronto also advocates on behalf of breast cancer survivors. Some of her product proceeds benefit cancer research. Ultimately, Toronto's goal is to continue empowering women. "We believe in women. We uplift women. We empower women. And we support women whenever and however we can," she says.

The 411:

Embrace your inner wackiness is something I have been saying to my daughter for 10 years. I noticed at around 3 that she was different. Not in a OMG what is wrong? What should we do kinda way but in a OMG this chick is so cool and I want to be her kinda way. Soooo I started saying "Why Be Normal, Normal is Boring!" Whenever anyone said anything about her "Punky Brewster" style or her complete independent, marching to the beat of my own drum thing. Her preschool teacher got her! I loved it because you have to get her to know her. She is cool! She embraces her wackiness and she loved looking at Suzy's books with me. 

Suzy is a creator who took her blessing as an artist to create fun, whimsical, empowering art. It all started with her son who asked the question, “Mommy, Who is she that grew me in her tummy?” Since he is adopted she created a pregnant, faceless woman so that he could imagine her himself since they didn't know what she looked like.

From there she has created many things but today I am talking about her coloring books!

They are so fun! I love them. They come in full size (Size: 8.5″W x 11″H) and on the go size 
(Size: 5″W x 8″H).

The books contain adorable characters and inspiring, uplifting, humorous messages about being the best you and sisterhood, friendship and life.

  • Make Each Day Ridiculously Amazing
  • You Can't Start The Next Chapter Of Your Life If You Keep Reading The Last One
  • The Cost Of Not Following Your Heart Is Spending The Rest Of Your Life Wishing You Had
  • As A Matter Of Fact I Do Need Another Pair Of Shoes
  • I Am Wearing My Big Girl Panties, But They Are Starting To Bunch.. OK?!
The books are adorable and I loved coloring. It took me a few hours and the entire time, I thought of absolutely nothing except putting some color on my page. It was exactly what I needed. It was relaxing, soothing and oh so satisfying.

Here are some of the pages in the books:


Each page is perforated for easy removal and I used crayons, gel pens and color pencils. None of them bled through the page and there is even room on the back of the page to add something along.

The page I colored this weekend.


So if you know some wacky, wonderful women, these books may be the perfect gift! You will find these in my upcoming Mother's Day Gift Guide.

To Purchase

Disclaimer: I received a complimentary product for my honest opinion. My reviews are 100% honest and true based on my personal opinion not on a company’s description or request. I am not employed by any company I review for. No monetary compensation was received.


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